Digital Art Path

Digital art is a great way for kids to develop their artistic skills and express their creativity in a modern and innovative way. Kids should learn digital art as it offers several benefits, including improved creativity, enhanced problem-solving skills, increased self-expression, and opportunities to develop digital literacy. With digital art tools, children can explore a wide range of artistic mediums and techniques, experiment with different styles, and create their own unique pieces. Digital art can also help kids develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they learn to manipulate images and design elements. It also provides opportunities for children to express themselves and showcase their creativity in new and exciting ways. In our Digital art program kids will also learn some theory of digital art too.

MS Paint can be a great first digital art tool for kids who want to explore digital art and develop their creativity. It is free and comes pre-installed on most Windows computers, making it accessible to almost everyone. It has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for kids to navigate and use. With MS Paint, children can experiment with different tools to create their own digital art. It also provides a good foundation for learning more advanced digital art tools in the future.

MS Paint

  • Level: Beginner
  • Grades: 1-3
  • Duration: 8 – 10 lessons Sessions
  • Group and Private lessons offered
  • Pre-requisites:

  • No Prior experience needed.

KRITA is a great digital art tool for kids who want to explore and develop their artistic skills as it offers a wide range of features and is available for free. It has a user-friendly interface and is easy to navigate, making it a great option for beginners. Krita provides a variety of brushes, textures, and effects that can help children explore different artistic styles and techniques. It also has advanced features, such as layer management and animation tools, that can help kids take their digital art skills to the next level. Additionally, Krita is an open-source software, meaning that it is constantly being updated and improved by a community of developers.


  • Level: Beginner - Intermediate
  • Grades: 4 and up
  • Duration: 8 – 16 lessons
  • Group and Private lessons offered
  • Pre-requisites:

  • Basic computer skill and good mouse use skills

KRITA is a great digital art tool for kids who want to explore and develop their artistic skills as it offers a wide range of features and is available for free. It has a user-friendly interface and is easy to navigate, making it a great option for beginners. Krita provides a variety of brushes, textures, and effects that can help children explore different artistic styles and techniques. It also has advanced features, such as layer management and animation tools, that can help kids take their digital art skills to the next level. Additionally, Krita is an open-source software, meaning that it is constantly being updated and improved by a community of developers.

Animation with KRITA

  • Levels: Intermediate / Advance
  • Grades: 5 & up
  • Duration: 8 – 16 lessons Sessions
  • Group and Private lessons offered
  • Pre-requisites:

  • For Intermediate and Adv prior level knowledge of KRITA tool required.

Learning 3D modelling can be a valuable skill for kids as it promotes creativity, problem-solving, and spatial awareness. Tinkercad is a free and user-friendly web-based application that provides a variety of tools for 3D modelling. It is an great tool for kids to learn 3D modelling, with a user-friendly interface, tutorials, and resources. With Tinkercad, kids can create their own designs and export them for 3D printing, making it a great tool for developing creativity and problem-solving skills.

3D Modelling with TinkerCad

  • Levels: Beginner / Intermediate
  • Grades: 4 & up
  • Duration: 8 – 16 lessons Sessions
  • Group and Private lessons offered
  • Pre-requisites:

  • For Intermediate level knowledge of the tool required.

Blender 3D tool is appropriate for 12 years old or older, depending on their individual skill level and interest in 3D modelling. Blender is a more advanced 3D tool that requires a deeper understanding of 3D modelling principles and techniques. While it may be challenging for younger children to learn, older kids who have a strong interest in 3D modelling may find it a rewarding and engaging tool to work with.

3D Modelling with Blender

  • Levels: Intermediate / Advance
  • Grades: 6 & up
  • Duration: 8 – 24 lessons
  • Group and Private lessons offered
  • Pre-requisites:

  • For Intermediate level knowledge of the tool required.
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